Monday, October 29, 2018

Pregnancy timeline . . .

30 DAYS IN: ONE MONTH PREGNANT - Also "Ultrasound Day" 😊 10/28/18

The one-month mark is an especially exciting time for breeders. For the dam it’s the half-way point, which means another month to go. The dam will start showing excitable behavior, although not in the same way as breeders. This can include an increase in grooming, wandering, sniffing, digging, and other nesting and den-seeking behaviors. You can help ease her anxiousness by fixing her a nesting area in a desired—but safe and quiet—location. (Kiddie pools lined with newspapers and blankets work well.) A “nest box” or “den” should be large enough for her to stretch out and move around in without potentially squashing a pup. A nest box with raised sides and a door is ideal. The sides should be low enough for her to step over. If she has to jump over the sides, you could risk injuring or crushing a puppy.

At this point, the dam’s nipples will swell even more, and the pups are approximately the size of golf balls. A veterinarian can make an assessment and give an estimate of how many pups to expect. Also, an ultrasound can be performed around this time.

The fetuses now look like tiny pups rather than tadpoles. They have started to develop their toes, claws, whiskers, and gender specific organs (boys or girls). The eyes that were previously open are now sealing closed and will not open again until a few weeks after the pups are born. The pups are now at a stage in which they are less susceptible to developmental problems.

Consider switching the dam to a quality puppy formula at this time and continue feeding it to her throughout the pregnancy and during nursing. Puppy foods are formulated for growth and development and this includes during the prenatal stages. It also has slightly higher amounts of proteins and fats. Also, now is a good time to increase the amount of food given to the dam to keep up with the demands placed on her by the constantly growing pups. Some breeders recommend a vitamin supplement as well (Ask your veterinarian first!). Remember: keep feedings in small but frequent rations throughout the day.


Approximately six weeks in, the dam’s abdomen is extremely swollen and hard. You will be able to feel the pups moving and rolling around. At this point, the dam may lose her appetite entirely. Breeders should do everything they can to ensure that the dam is comfortable and eating a little at every meal. Try adding a little something extra to the meal, such as yogurt, broth, or a favorite canned food. Also, increase tummy rubs and massages (if she likes them.)

Around this time, the pup’s skin pigments begin to develop, and they continue to grow and grow. One suggestion is to make an appointment with your veterinarian to see how big the pups are at around day 45–47. Your veterinarian will help you to decide if a cesarean section (C-section) is needed.


A pregnant dam may eat up to three to four times what she would normally eat during the last week of pregnancy and during the first few weeks of nursing. Some dams will lose their appetites all together because of the size of the enlarged uterus. Either way, make food available to the dam at all times. If the dam seems to be losing her appetite, try to add tasty items, including broth, cottage cheese, yogurt, cooked (without seasoning) meats, and gravy.


X-rays are an invaluable resource when whelping a litter, a couple reasons "why" I do radiographs on pregnant dogs.
  • X-rays are generally done after Day 50+ of gestation, otherwise the skeleton hasn't ossified (calcified) enough to count the babies. 
  • You can usually count puppies readily on radiographs, again +/- one puppy. (Count skulls, not spines! Most people count BOTH). Even then, someone can be hiding behind another puppy or along mom's spine. This helps me plan for the whelp and know what to expect. 
  • The other advantage is that the skulls can be compared in size to the width of the dam's pelvis (not usually an issue with Vizslas).


When it is getting time for the pups to arrive, the dam may spend significantly more time in her den area or nesting site. Bring her plenty of water and food, and make sure that the den or nesting site is clean. Disturb her as little as possible; she needs her rest. You can help the dam by wiping the nipples with a warm wet washcloth and by trimming the hair around the nipples, vulva, and anus to help keep things neat and tidy for when the pups arrive.

When the nipples are gently squeezed, they will produce a milky fluid called colostrum. This is the first milk the puppies get, and it is an important nutrient that helps them grow and fight off pathogens.

Begin monitoring your dog’s temperature. The average temperature of a dog should be approximately 101–102.5. The temperature will drop to 98 degrees approximately 12–24 hours prior to whelping.

The drop in temperature, along with a discharge, indicates puppies are very near to arrival!