Monday, January 14, 2019

What is the NAVHDA Natural Ability (NA) Test?

NAVHDA is pleased to announce the release of a video focusing on all aspects of the Natural Ability (NA) Test. This video is designed to address the needs of all members who are interested in learning more about this exciting test.  

Click here to visit the Natural Ability page of the 
NAVHDA website and view the video.

This video is a supplement to the "AIMS, Program, and Test Rules" manual, which is the most detailed written document describing all aspects of each of the NAVHDA tests.  You can  Click here to view a free pdf of the manual, or you can visit our on-line store to purchase a hard copy.

We hope you enjoy the video and that it gives you additional insight into preparing your dog for your next Natural Ability Test!

The Executive Committee
NAVHDA International